Games index

If you use the autosave feature in glGo (or have a game collection on your disk from whatever source), you can create an index of SGF games within a directory with the "Scan directory" menuitem in the playermanager. The SGF game headers are parsed and the information written in to an index file. When you open the player info dialog in playermanager, you get a list of games with this player. Double-clicking on a table row opens the SGF in glGo if the glGo localserver mechanism is enabled.

When an own or observed game is autosaved in glGo, it will automatically be added to the Playermanager game index.

Some statistics are gathered from this games collection and displayed in the playerinfo and match dialogs in glGo. There are three values: "Games played", "My wins", "My losses." These show the total number of games you played with this certain opponent and the number of your wins and losses.

You can open a graph showing rank progress over time in the Playermanager. The x axis shows the number of days since the oldest SGF file found, the y axis the rank progression. You need to have a couple of games available for one player to get a graph.

The Cleanup games menuitem will remove all game entries from the index where no SGF file was found. This is useful if you manually deleted SGF files from a previously scanned directory.

The SGF index is in no way as sophisticated as Kombilo. The idea is simply to find all games a certain player has played. For more extensive studying I strongly recommand the usage of Kombilo, excellent program.