Q&A of Yuki Shigeno 2 dan
The question 2 this month
My go problem concerns territory. Even though I read go books, I don’t really understand territory. Could you give a lecture on territory, including how to surround it?
Anser of Yuki Shigeno 2dan
You are having problems with territory. Territory is the area that you or your opponent surround with your stones. When you surround enemy stones and capture them, the area where they were becomes your territory.
The person who surrounds more area, that is, who gets the bigger territory, wins the game. This is the Japanese rule. As you know, there are various dramas in a game of go: the opponent invades territory that one has enclosed and it all disappears, or a wall you have built is attacked by the opponent and your territory is destroyed. The end result of all these struggles, however, is territory.
I wonder if perhaps you usually play by the Chinese rules. Under the Chinese rules, the side with more stones surviving on the board wins, so I wonder what happens to the concept of territory. I’m afraid you’ll have to ask a Chinese professional about this.
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