Woman professional Go players will answer your questions in turn.
Hello, Ms. Kato. How are you?
Until now, I have played go at go clubs, but the other day I joined PandaNet and am playing online for the first time. In go clubs, I played without worrying about the time, but I find managing my time online difficult. I often lose on time, which is causing me headaches. I would be grateful if you could give me some advice on time management.

Consultation Two: by Mr. Takano
Hello, Mr. Takano. Thank you for your question. Actually, I also often lose games on time. There are probably other players besides you who want to play leisurely games. You can display your preferred time conditions and look for opponents who also want to play slowly.

Go changes according to the time conditions. In fast games, you have to make up your mind quickly without agonizing over the alternatives (mind, I’m not saying this is easy). It helps if you can acquire the knack of thinking while your opponent is thinking over his move. The other important thing is to play a lot of games so that you can get used to the time conditions.

I hope that you enjoy your games on the Net.
Consultation 01