Woman professional Go players will answer your questions in turn.
I play games on PandaNet with people from various countries, and I get the feeling that go styles differ according to the country. I think that you, Ms. Tsukuda, travel to different parts of Japan. Do you find that go styles differ in different areas?

Consultation Two: Mr. Iio
Hello, Mr. Iio.

I’m glad to hear that you’re playing with people from all over the world on PandaNet. I’ve never felt that go styles differed in different parts of Japan. Styles differ according to players but not according to areas.

Sometimes, when I visit go clubs and branches of the Nihon Ki-in in different parts of Japan, I feel that people in a certain area play in a similar way in the opening. Rather than this being a regional variation, however, I think it’s because the pupils of the same teacher tend to play the josekis and opening patterns that he recommends. (Once the fuseki ends, though, everyone goes his or her own way.)

Concerning overseas countries, my impression is that people in cold countries are good at indoor sports and many of these countries are strong at go, and they analyse accurately.

I hope this answer is satisfactory. I hope you continue your international exchange through go.
Consultation 01