Woman professional Go players will answer your questions in turn.
Hello, Ms. Kato.
I often enjoy playing go with my friends or on PandaNet. I can’t say I’m good at any part of the game, but in particular I’m bad at the opening. I try to play in the biggest areas at the start, but when the opponent invades, I can’t stop myself from counterattacking and I often end up failing because I make an unreasonable invasion.
Can you tell me what one should be thinking about in positions like this? If anything, I prefer to expand here and there and set up moyos rather than taking territory. Do you have any hints for me?

Consultation One: Ms. Yamaguchi
Hello, Ms. Yamaguchi. Thank you for your question. It seems to me you like to fight with the support of your thickness behind you. I think this is better than worrying too much about territory.

Of course, you should always try to play in the most open areas in the opening, but it might make strategy simpler if you focus on the relative strength and weakness of your own and the opponent’s groups. For example, expand your own territory while aiming to attack the opponent’s group. Stabilize your own neighbouring groups before you invade the opponent’s moyo (that is, store up strength). Of course, if the opponent invades your territory at too early a stage of the game, counterattacking is natural. Remember to pick fights in area where you outnumber the opponent.

There are various ways of thinking about the opening, depending on your style. The important thing is middle-game fighting strength. Fight resolutely, without thinking too deeply. I’m rooting for you.
Consultation 02