Woman professional Go players will answer your questions in turn.
I am teaching go to my two children. One child just tries to capture; the other plays good shape, but doesn’t try to capture stones it should. What should I do?

Consultation Two: Mr. Kumano
Hello. Mr. Kumano.
I’m glad to hear you are teaching your children. Children from the same family often have completely different styles. To give a personal example, my style is completely different from my sister’s. Perhaps this comes from a difference in personalities.

The difference in the children you are teaching may have the same cause. I don’t think you should make unreasonable efforts to change them, but if it worries you, how about getting them to play over game records with styles that are the opposite of their style. Give the child who likes capturing a game that features thickness, and give a game with aggressive fighting to the other child. By the way, the child who doesn’t capture stones when it should may be looking at the whole board.

I think one approach may be to try to develop the styles the children have naturally acquired. The time will come when the child itself will feel the need to change its style. Maybe you should just wait for this.

I hope you keep enjoying go with your family.
Consultation 01