Star woman players, My most memorable game

Aug. Akane Ishii 2-dan

My son Ryota

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My son's first child's festival day

At Izumo Shrine before the birth of my son

My most memorable game

Hello, everyone.
Taking advantage (?) of the boom in childbearing in the Go world, I gave birth to a boy in November last year. He's now six months old and is healthy and growing steadily.

Recently he's started to laugh. My first child is cuter that I had imagined, and I'm just wrapped in him. Child-rearing is tough, as everything is a new experience, but it's also fun.

The amount of time I can spend thinking about Go has really decreased recently. But actually my games feel fresh now, so they are a lot of fun.

I hope to keep doing my best to combine child-reading and Go.

Akane Ishii

Star woman players My most memorable game

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