Woman professional Go players will answer your questions in turn.
Congratulations on winning the Women’s Meijin title. Do you feel that anything has changed in your daily life or in the way you approach your games since you became Women’s Meijin? I hope that you keep on doing well.

Consultation Two: Mr. Mishima
Thank you very much for your message of support, Mr. Mishima.

Actually I don’t feel there have been any big changes since I became Women’s Meijin (except, feeling how nice it would be if I had suddenly got stronger...

However, I do have more confidence than before. I seem to be able to approach my games in a calmer state of mind. A bonus that has really made me happy is that I can play in a various international tournaments.

I am going to do my best to make the most of the opportunity that has been given to me.
Consultation 01