Woman professional Go players will answer your questions in turn.
Hello, Ms. Aoba. Congratulations on your marriage.My question is: Do you do anything besides actually studying go to get stronger?Since I come from the region as you, I hope you will be more and more successful.

Consultation One: Mr. Iwata
Hello, Mr. Aichi. I’m very happy to hear of your support.

Well, besides studying? I guess, after all, I’d have to say getting married! Many women professionals have done very well after getting married, so I hope to enjoy the same good fortune.

Next, I think that keeping in good physical condition is important. Official games last for six or seven hours, so you can’t maintain concentration if you are not fit. At one time, I went to a fitness club, but these days I go running three times a week. I started running this year, and initially I was shocked at how poor my physical condition was. However, I got used to it, and now I can easily run for five or six kilometres. I really enjoy how refreshed I feel after running. The only problem is that I’m so tired I fall asleep.

Well, bye, Mr. Iwata. I look forward to meeting you again.
Consultation 02