Woman professional Go players will answer your questions in turn.
Have your ordinary life and your relationship with go changed on becoming a mother?

Consultation Two : Mr. Tasaka
My life is now centred on my children, so there has been a big decrease in the time I have for go.

(Sob) I can only study in the short period of time left after my child has gone to sleep, but I have a feeling that I can concentrate more than before.

Perhaps this is because I know the time is limited.

When I have games, I am liberated for a day from child-rearing and housework.

Being able to play go makes me so happy that I really concentrate.

I’d be even happier if my results improved as well.

There are other women professionals the same age as I who have two or three children but are doing well in their games, so this spurs me on to emulate them and do my best.
Consultation 01