Woman professional Go players will answer your questions in turn.
Hello, Ms. Nakajima. I always watch you on TV and am grateful for the easy-to-understand questions and queries you make in doing professional game commentaries. They are really instructive for amateurs. What I would like to consult you about is the problem that always perplexes amateurs: the best way to win one’s games. Until now, I’ve mainly played at the local community centre, but recently I’ve been playing on the Net. You can relax when you’re playing at home and you can play freely whenever you like, so it’s a lot of fun. However, I just can’t improve my winning percentage. I’m an attacking player, so I also go for attack rather than for territory. Even if I make a special effort to focus on territory, I always unconsciously switch to attack and often end up losing. I’m making efforts to get stronger little by little, but the reality is that my efforts haven’t borne fruit. I would be grateful if you could give me any tips.

Also, I would like to wish you the best of luck in your career.

Consultation Two : Mr. Fukaya
Hello, Mr. Fukaya. Thank you for your letter.
Playing go on the Net is a lot of fun, isn’t it?
If there were a surefire way to win games, I’d like to know what it is myself.
You say that you have an attacking style. This kind of go is entertaining for spectators, so you want to find a way to improve without changing the good features of your present style.

If, as you say, your winning percentage just doesn’t improve, could it be because you try to capture groups and fail, thus falling behind? If often happens that when you stake the game on just one goal, like capturing a group, then you lose if that group escapes. It’s hard for me to comment without seeing your game records, but how about trying to focus more on the overall balance and looking for the one move that best suits it?
Another good study method is to review your games; it’s enough if you can discover just one mistake you made.
Another important thing is not to lose your desire to become stronger.
I hope that you will go on a winning streak.
Consultation 01