I play go on Pandanet. When I get on a losing streak, I become irritable and canft play my normal game. Moreover, itfs hard for me to get out of this negative frame of mind.

Ms. Aoba, when you have a losing streak, what do you do? Please tell me how to change onefs mood.
Consultation One : From Mr. Osanai

Hello, Mr. Osanai.
My way of changing my mood is to do something physical, like exercise. Exercise also gets you in shape. You feel refreshed and you can approach go in a new frame of mind. Formerly, I used to go running, but recently Ifve begun playing golf. One feels refreshed, one enjoys tackling go again, and the wins come naturally (surely!) . . . well, thatfs the theory.

Also, I heard once that for top-flight professionals a losing streak was a precursor of getting stronger. Perhaps the time for you to get stronger is approaching. I hope you keep on doing your best.
