There's a saying in go that ethe spectator sees more'. This is a saying that really comes home to me when I play in local go tournaments several times a year. Does this saying also apply to professional players? Also, what can one do to reduce this tendency, that is, to see more as a player?
Consultation One : From Mr. Saito

Hello, Mr. Saito. Thank you for your question.

This saying, ethe spectator sees more', also sometimes applies to professional games.
While you are playing, you can't help becoming absorbed in the game, so it's difficult to look at the position objectively. I myself have had the experience of having simple moves that I overlooked pointed out to me after the game. It was a big surprise. I'd also like to overcome this.

When the position in a game becomes complicated, I try to cool down my brain by getting up from my seat and going to buy a drink. Often, I make new discoveries when I come back and take a fresh look at the board.

Also, when you get too caught up in the game, just telling yourself to calm down can sometimes be effective. I would like to recommend you to try this during your games.