Hello, Ms. Mukai.
I am a senior citizen of 69. At one time, just very briefly, I was promoted to 2-kyu, but now I am in the bottom ranks of the 4-kyus. I think that the other players study and overtake me, which is really mortifying.

It's certainly true that I lack the ability to think long and carefully (my ability has declined with my increasing years), but at the very least I'd like to become a strong 3-kyu.

What study methods are there? I would be really, really grateful if you could tell me.

I also wish you the best of luck in your professional tournaments.
Consultation One : Mr. Tomita

Hello, Mr. Tomita. Thank you for your question.

First of all, go strength doesn't decline. There may be a lack of ability to think for a long time or to analyse carefully, but there is something else that is fostered every time one plays. That is: experience.

Let's assume that you have a favourite opening pattern. Every time you try this opening out in a game, I think you will get a feel about how to develop a good flow in your game. So I think that you must be stronger now than you were before. Please have confidence in yourself.

Study methods I recommend:
1. Playing over game records
Any games are OK - for example, games played by your favourite professional or games with an opening you like. Set goals for yourself, for example, at first playing over the first 50 moves, then, when this becomes easy, the first 70 moves and so on.

2. Life-and-death problems Easy problems are fine. Please try solving them rapidly. If you don't understand them, it's OK to look at the answers. However, the key point is not to look at the problems just once, but to try them repeatedly - ideally, until you remember the answers. This will develop your reading ability.

Personally, I have always been fond of life-and-death problems and when I was an insei (professional trainee) I did nothing but life-and-death problems. I think that in my case the ratio between life-and-death problems and playing over game records was around 8:2. I think the reason I was able to become strong with such a biassed study method was because I liked life-and-death problems so much.

I think that doing something you enjoy is the short cut to improving your go strength.