What should ordinary go fans do to increase the number of go players around them? Please give me some advice.
Consultation One

Even if you invite people to try playing go, they have an image of it as a difficult game, so sometimes it's very hard to get people to take an interest.
This is what I do to attract my friends to go.

1. I try teaching people who have some interest on a 9x9 board and I take them along to introductory go events for beginners. When teaching on a 9x9 board, I lose on purpose a number of times and try to arouse their interest by getting them to experience the fun of capturing stones and winning games. When teaching, it's more fun to teach more than one beginner so that they can play each other.

2. With people who are familiar with computers, I introduce them to sites where the rules of go are explained and sites where beginners can actually play each other on 9x9 boards. (This way they can play go even if they don't have a go set at home.)

3. I get people to reach the comic book 'Hikaru no go' to spur their interest in go.

4. To get people interested in go, I teach them the game CACOMO devised by Hiroko Shinkai 5-dan. It's a board game based on the go rule of capturing by surrounding with elements of card games added.

That's how I go about it. I will be grateful if you can use various strategies to increase the number of go fans.

If each go fan would teach one other person, the go population would double. Please help to spread our game!