What are your current targets, either in go or outside go? Or is there something you have become addicted to recently?
Consultation Two

Recently I've really been into Korea dramas! I recommend romantic comedies. I'm so addicted to them it's a problem for me, but in many cases I find the script really moving.

There are words that have remained in my heart...

For example: 'If I am not happy, I can't make someone else happy.'

Or: Work! Work as if you don't need the money.'

I think people will interpret these lines in different ways, but somehow I just like them.

There are also many meal scenes in the dramas. I try cooking the dishes like bibinda and bean-curd chige myself. I'd also like to eat authentic ja-ja noodles on the spot...

At some stage, I've become addicted to the culinary side of the dramas.

