What can ordinary go fans do to increase the number of go fans around us? Please give me some advice.
Consultation One

In my case, my horizons became much broader through go, and I had many encounters, for which I am grateful. My husband and I often talk about how to get as many people as possible to experience the fun of go.

At present, we recommend the 4x4 go board.

The 19x19 board is too wide, so I think it's best to teach beginners with smaller boards, such as the 13x13, 9x9, 6x6, etc. We believe that the 4x4 board might be a good way of getting people who know nothing about go to take an interest.

By the way, it might be better to think of the 4x4 board not as playing a game but as solving puzzles. Don't look down on it because it's only 4x4! If you take a step into the 4x4 world, you will be astonished by the large variety of variations.

The advantage of the 4x4 board is that it looks simple. Doing life-and-death problems may seem to be too high a hurdle for beginners, but the narrowness and the cuteness (the stones don't have to be white and black or round!) will seize people's interest. The aim is to get them to understand the rules of go while doing simple puzzles. In the near future, toy sets of 4x4 go are scheduled to go on sale, but if you don't have access to them, please just make the sets yourself.

It would be nice if the most difficult stumbling blocks for beginners, such as life and death, ko and so on, could be solved on a 4x4 board.

We believe that if people enter just a little into the world of go, the fun of playing games will make them enjoy go more and more profoundly.