What can ordinary go fans do to increase the number of go fans around us? Please give me some advice.
Consultation One

I think there are two methods.

One is to explain the rules simply and the other to play on a small board.

As Ayumi explained in her answer, there are just five rules.
Many people think that go is a difficult game, so you have to keep telling them that it's really simple. And my recommendation is to play on a small board. I begin by using a 6x6 board. A 9x9 board is also good, of course, but with a 6x6 board a game finished in five to ten minutes. Quite a few people can play to the end of the game after three games on a 6x6 board.

Once they have got used to this board, you can step up to a 9x9 board and then to a 13x13. I also plan to try the 4x4 board described by Izumi in her answer last month.

By the way, when playing games with beginners I make it a goal to praise them and to avoid using go terms as far as possible (except for 'atari'). As a rule, people are anxious when trying something for the first time. Please eliminate their anxiety by praising them.
Using lots of go terms is very confusing, so at the start I use only 'atari'. If you praise people and convey to them the pleasure of winning, I believe that they will soak in the fascination of go.

Finally, it's important to create an atmosphere that welcomes new players and beginners. It's very sad, but I often hear people who have just learnt go say that they were refused at a go club because they were too weak or that they couldn't go in because there were only strong players.

When you get stronger, it's fun to get together with players of the same level, but this may create a forbidding atmosphere for beginners. Teaching go may be difficult, but I hope that you will welcome any beginners who come to your club. When various people gather together, communication is enhanced, and the level of the group as a whole will rapidly rise. The former beginners will find themselves in the position of welcoming and teaching new beginners, so a new community will be created. I believe that this way a good cycle can be created. I've experienced this myself and heard of such cases many times.

The greatest support for us professional players are the amateurs who love the game. I hope that you will join me in increasing the number of go fans.

Good luck.