What do you think are the interest and fascination of Go?
Consultation One

I think the fascination of Go is the way in which it reflects so well your different emotions at different times. If you play in a cheerful mood, you follow a free and creative strategy. If you are feeling calm, you play in a composed way. If you become preoccupied with winning, your moves become cramped. If you feel you can't lose, you make overplays.

Previously I used to focus too much on winning. When that happens, you worry too much about small points in positions in which you have to play hard, and you draw back a step. That naturally leads to a bad result . . .

When, on the contrary you approach the game with a positive attitude, focussing on being true to your natural style and on enjoying the game, you play freely and creatively and you are able to look at the whole board. I believe that your emotions are really reflected in your games. That for me is the interest and the fascination of go.

I took some time off to have a baby. I can't help wondering in what mood I will play my comeback game. I hope to be able to play in the peaceful mood I have when I'm with my child.
