Star woman players, My most memorable game

Jan. Akiko Tsukuda 5-dan

Being shown around the Kushiro Wetland
National Park by members of the Kushiro Go Club

Click here to enlarge

13x13 match between Go and shogi couples.
I am paired with my husband, Yusuke Ina,
shogi 5-dan. The opponents are Masako Araki 3-dan
and Kenji Waki, shogi 8-dan.

Acting as the assistant asking the questions
on the Igo Shogi Channel TV program
'Pandanet Go Classes'. Starting on January 30, 2015,
it will be telecast in 26 instalments!

My most memorable game


Hello, everyone

I was invited by some fellow professionals to join a study group on life-and-death problems. There's a deadline for presenting problems one has composed, so I am going all out, as I think it might be a good way to study. A few days after solving problems, I try to write them up, but can no longer remember them . . .

It's a shock, as I put it down to my age, but I am having another think.

Star woman players My most memorable game

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