Star woman players, My most memorable game

Apr. Kumiko Yashiro 6-dan

A trip with my husband to Kushiro
a few years ago

Click here to enlarge

If there's space, it crawls in anywhere
(I couldn't help taking this photo
because its shape in the cupboard
was so cute)

An unusual line-up of 5 and 4
(apparently watching crows outside
the window)

My most memorable game

Last year I finally got a commendation for working 20 years in a row. What I've been doing since I became a professional at the age of 17 has barely changed.
It's so strange that 20 years have passed.
But when I look at myself as a teen, somehow I seem to be shining . . .
The very fact that I think this shows that I have got older.
The main thing is that I am still working safely as a pro in 20 years' time.
I hope that all of you will keep up your interest in the Go world.

Kumiko Yashiro

Star woman players My most memorable game

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