What can ordinary go fans do to increase the number of go fans around us? Please give me some advice.
Consultation One

Increasing the number of go fans around us . . .

The first thing to make people aware of the fascination of go is to get them to learn the rules, so I recommend beginners' classes at the Nihon Ki-in or a go club or a culture centre. If there is someone around you who is interested in go, I would be very happy if you would invite them to join a class.

There seem to be many people who believe the rules of go are difficult, but the basic rules are:

1. Players play black and white stones alternately.
2. The player with more territory wins.
3. Stones that are surrounded are captured.
4. You can't play on a point from which you can't escape.
5. The ko rule (it's best to explain this when it comes up in a game).

Just these five! If you explain go like this, people may become interested.
I hope you will do your best to get more people to understand the fascination of go.