Woman professional Go players will answer your questions in turn.
Back Number in 2013

Q1. What do you think are the interest and fascination of Go?

Q2. If you had not become a professional Go player, what sort of job do you think you would be doing (or would have wanted to do)?

Jan Kaori
A1. I think it is the fact that you can deepen your thinking.
A2. I think that I would have taken a degree in engineering and become a researche r or an architect.
Dec  Narumi
A1. The fascination of Go comes from the unbelievable simplicity and naturalness o f the rules.
A2. If I hadn't become a Go professional, I might have aimed at becoming a callig rapher. When I was in kindergarten, I learnt a little with a hard brush.
Nov  Chiaki
A1. I think the fascination and charm of Go lie in the fact that people of all ages, from little children to senior citizens, can enjoy the game. Also, as shown by the nickname for Go of 'hand communication', people can communicate with each other even though they come from different countries and don't understand each other's languages.
A2. A baker.
Oct  Akino
A1. I learnt go at the age of six, but even when I was little I loved Go and found it interesting.
A2. If I weren't a professional Go player, I'd like to be working in a job related to fashion.
Sep  Kaori
A1. Through Go, you can have encounters with a lot of people, while gaining experience at both winning and losing.
A2. When I was a child I wanted to become a junior high school teacher.
Aug  Kana
A1.  I think the fascination of Go is the way in which it reflects so well your different emotions at different times.
A2. I wanted to be a career woman!
Jul  Akane
A1. Just because of the simplicity of its rules and the lack of constraints, Go is profound and difficult.
A2. There are many professions I wanted to try, but if I were to choose now I'd like to do a job in which you make something.
Jun  Ayumi
A1. Go has many fascinations, but one that especially appeals to me is that you can express yourself on the Go board.
A2. I love eating, so I love everything connected with food, such as growing plants (including vegetables), and cooking.
May  Tomoko
A1. I think the greatest charm of Go is that you can play with people throughout the world on the Net.
A2. When I was a child, my dream was to become an art teacher or to paint pictures, so I wanted to be an artist who traveled throughout the world.
Apr  Kumiko
A1. The high degree of freedom and the exhilaration when a plan you made goes the way you expected.
A2. I'm really attracted by creative professions, such as novelist or cartoonist or game programmer and so on.
Mar Mieko
A1. In one word, perhaps we could say: the universe!
A2. What I wanted to be when I was a child is unchanged now: a singer.
Feb Akiko
A1. I often say: 'You can enjoy Go with people of all ages, from children to old people, and even children can win against adults.
A2. I think I would have aimed at a job involving English and overseas countries.
Jan Kaori
Q1. As a professional go player, what are your goals for the next five years? If you were asked this question, how would you answer?
A1. My target for the next five years is to contribute to society as a professional go player.
Q2. Do you have a motto? If you do, please tell us about some episodes related to it.
A2. My personal motto is "Be ambitious and do the right thing."

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